Report corruption

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Report corruption to (Nazaha)

Protecting Nazaha and combating corruption requires comprehensive reform programs that enjoy strong political support. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been keen to share the international community’s interest in combating corruption by concluding agreements, attending conferences and seminars, and enhancing international cooperation. As an extension of this interest, the Kingdom has made several efforts in this regard, which we review on this page.

National Strategy for Nazaha Protection and Combating Corruption

Corruption is a complex concept with multiple dimensions, and its definitions vary depending on the angle from which it is viewed. Any behavior that violates any of the rules and regulations imposed by the system is considered corruption, as is any behavior that threatens the public interest, as well as any misuse of public office to achieve private gains. This is in positive law. As for Islamic law, corruption is everything that is against righteousness. God Almighty said: {And do not cause corruption on the earth after its reformation} (Surat Al-A’raf) (56). God Almighty also said: {Indeed, God commands you to render trusts to whom they are due, and when you judge between people to judge with justice. Indeed, God instructs you well. Indeed, God is Hearing and Seeing} (Surat An-Nisa) (58). God Almighty also said: {And when he turns away, he strives throughout the land to cause corruption therein and destroy crops and livestock. And God does not like corruption} (Surat Al-Baqarah) (205).

In Sahih Muslim, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, “Allah does not entrust a servant with a flock who dies while he has defrauded them, except that Allah will forbid him Paradise.” Imam Ahmad narrated on the authority of Thawban, who said, “The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, cursed the briber, the bribed, and the mediator, meaning the one who walks between them.” The phenomenon of corruption includes many crimes such as: bribery and trading in influence, abuse of power, illicit enrichment, tampering with public funds and embezzling or squandering or misusing them, money laundering, accounting crimes, forgery, counterfeiting currency, commercial fraud, etc. The experiences of countries with different levels of economic development or political systems indicate that corruption is not linked to a specific political system, but rather appears when conditions are favorable for its emergence, and it exists in different and varied forms in all political systems. Corruption is an international phenomenon and a source of concern for the international community. The phenomenon of corruption is a complex phenomenon in which economic, social, cultural, and political dimensions are mixed; therefore, the reasons for its emergence are many. Among these reasons are the inconsistency of systems and the requirements of social life, and weak oversight. Corruption has many negative effects, the most important of which is its negative impact on the development process, as it distorts its objectives, wastes resources and potentials, misdirects them and hinders their progress, weakens the effectiveness and efficiency of agencies, and causes a state of discontent and anxiety. Protecting Nazaha and combating corruption requires comprehensive reform programs that enjoy strong political support and acquire a strategic content based on diagnosing the problem, addressing its causes, cooperation between government agencies, participation of society and its institutions, establishing and strengthening the principles and ethical values ​​of administration and society, and benefiting from international expertise. Since protecting Nazaha and combating corruption in all its forms are fixed principles in Islamic law and international systems, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which derives its systems from the principles and provisions of Islamic law, has been concerned with protecting Nazaha and honesty, warning against corruption and combating it in all its forms and manifestations. From this standpoint, the Kingdom has been keen to share the international community's interest in combating corruption through its keenness to conclude agreements, attend conferences and seminars, and enhance international cooperation.

As an extension of this interest, the Kingdom has made the following efforts:

  •  Developing a strategy to protect Nazaha and combat corruption

  • The establishment of the National Anti-Corruption Authority will undertake the following tasks:

    • Receiving periodic reports and statistics from the competent authorities, studying them, and preparing analytical data in this regard.

    • Collecting, classifying, identifying, analyzing and exchanging information, data and statistics with relevant competent authorities.

  • Issuance of the National Anti-Corruption Commission regulations

The Authority's objectives and competencies

The Authority aims to protect Nazaha, promote the principle of transparency, and combat financial and administrative corruption in all its forms, manifestations, and methods. To achieve this, it has the following powers:

  • Follow up on the implementation of orders and instructions related to public affairs and citizens’ interests in a manner that ensures compliance with them.

  • Investigating aspects of financial and administrative corruption in public works contracts, operation and maintenance contracts, and other contracts related to public affairs and the interests of citizens in the entities covered by the Authority’s jurisdiction, and taking the necessary regulatory measures regarding any contract that is found to involve corruption or that was concluded or is being implemented in violation of the provisions of the applicable regulations and bylaws.

  • Referring violations and transgressions related to financial and administrative corruption, upon their discovery, to the supervisory or investigative authorities, as the case may be, and informing the head of the authority - to which the violating employee belongs - of that. The Authority may review the course of the investigation and follow up on the progress of the procedures in this regard, and it may request the relevant authorities to take precautionary or precautionary measures - in accordance with what the system requires - regarding anyone for whom there is evidence or indications of committing acts that fall within the concept of corruption. In all cases, if the Authority sees that these violations and transgressions represent an institutional dimension for any of the entities covered by the Authority’s jurisdiction, it must refer the matter to the King to take what he deems appropriate.

  • Working to achieve the objectives contained in the National Strategy for Protecting Nazaha and Combating Corruption, following up on its implementation with the relevant authorities, monitoring, evaluating and reviewing its results, and developing its work programmes and implementation mechanisms.

  • Encouraging the efforts of the public and private sectors to adopt plans and programmes to protect Nazaha and combat corruption, and to follow up on their implementation and evaluate their results.

  • Follow up on the recovery of funds and proceeds resulting from corruption crimes with the competent authorities.

  • Reviewing the work methods and procedures of the entities covered by the Authority’s jurisdiction with the aim of identifying weaknesses that could lead to corruption, and working to address them in a way that ensures the achievement of the Authority’s objectives and the implementation of its jurisdiction.

  • Proposing the necessary systems and policies to prevent and combat corruption and conducting a periodic review of the relevant systems and regulations to determine their adequacy and work to develop and remove them according to the regulatory procedures.

  • Preparing the necessary controls for submitting financial disclosure statements and taking the job oath for some categories of state employees, and submitting them to the King for consideration and approval.

  • Monitoring the extent to which the agencies covered by the Authority’s jurisdiction are carrying out their duties with regard to implementing the systems criminalizing financial and administrative corruption, and working to strengthen the principle of accountability for every person, regardless of his position.

  • Follow up on the implementation of the obligations contained in international agreements related to protecting Nazaha and combating corruption to which the Kingdom is a party. 

  • Providing direct communication channels with the public to receive their reports of corrupt behaviour, verify their validity and take the necessary action in this regard.

  • Working with the relevant authorities and civil society institutions to develop a sense of citizenship and the importance of protecting public money, facilities and public property, in order to achieve their proper management and preservation.

  •  Receiving periodic reports and statistics from the entities covered by the Authority’s jurisdiction – as requested by the Authority – and studying them, preparing analytical data on them, and taking the necessary action in this regard.

  • Supporting research and studies related to protecting Nazaha and combating corruption, and urging relevant authorities, specialized research centers, and civil society institutions to contribute to this.

  • Conducting studies and measurements related to the impact of corruption on social cohesion and economic development, analyzing them, and developing the necessary means to address this.

  • Collecting, analyzing, and developing databases and information systems related to corruption.

  • Spreading awareness of the concept of corruption, building and explaining its dangers and effects, and the importance of protecting Nazaha, promoting self-control and a culture of intolerance of corruption, and encouraging civil society institutions and the media to cooperate and contribute in this regard.

  • Representing the Kingdom in international conferences and forums related to transparency, Nazaha protection and combating corruption, and cooperating with regional and international bodies and organizations working in this field.

  • Organizing conferences, seminars and training courses on transparency, Nazaha and anti-corruption.

  • Any other competence assigned to the Authority under special texts.

  • Follow up on the implementation of the National Strategy for Nazaha Protection and Combating Corruption, monitor its results, evaluate and review them, and develop its work programmes and implementation mechanisms.

  • Coordinating the efforts of the public and private sectors in planning, monitoring and evaluating anti-corruption programmes.

  • Collecting, classifying, analyzing information, data and statistics related to corruption, and organizing a national information base to protect Nazaha and combat corruption.

National Anti-Corruption Commission Values

Ethical commitment

To act according to the teachings of our true Islamic religion in all our actions and words, so that we may be a role model in fortifying our society against corruption with religious and moral values.

Transparency and justice

Working to promote the principle of accountability for every person, regardless of their position, to reach the facts and reveal them without fear, and not to differentiate in treatment according to job or social status, to combat corruption wherever it exists.

Confidentiality and source protection

Ensuring the confidentiality of information sources and whistleblowers, to provide them with personal, moral and material protection, and to encourage others to report manifestations of corruption.

Excellence in performance

Constantly striving to achieve the highest levels of excellence in performance, and in all our work, dealings and behaviors with the public.


Continuous support for the team spirit in the Authority, in order to achieve the goals for which it was established.

Reporting Corruption

The report can be submitted to the Authority via one of the following means:

  • Through the reporting service , which is an electronic service provided by the Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority that enables the beneficiary to submit a report about any administrative or financial corruption in one of the entities covered by the Authority’s jurisdiction. Any person can submit a report about what he believes to be a case of corruption, and the Authority will verify the case if it falls under its responsibility, or refer it to other oversight bodies (Administrative Investigations, Oversight and Investigation Authority, or others).

  •  Toll free number 980

  •  Send to the following postal address:

    Control and Anti-Corruption Authority P.O. Box (Wasil) 7667 Al-Ulya - Al-Ghadeer District Riyadh 13311-2525 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

  • Submit the report in person.

  •  Send to fax number 0114420057.

  • Send a telegram.

Reports and statistics

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Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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