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Can companies modify their data in Balady Online?
Company owners or their authorized representatives can access the Balady Business platform and manage their data by logging into the Balady platform, navigating to the services section, and selecting "Balady Business." After clicking "Start Service" and choosing the service provider's profile, the company's main data will be displayed and can be edited by selecting "Edit Profile.
Does the Balady platform provide users with a guide explaining unified login via the National Access system, accessing notifications, previous requests, and other user preferences?
Yes, it is available and can be accessed through the link below:
Does the Balady platform provide users with a guide explaining unified login via the National Access system, accessing notifications, previous requests, and other user preferences?
Yes, it is available and can be accessed through the link below:
Can companies modify their data in Balady Online?
Company owners or their authorized representatives can access the Balady Business platform and manage their data by logging into the Balady platform, navigating to the services section, and selecting "Balady Business." After clicking "Start Service" and choosing the service provider's profile, the company's main data will be displayed and can be edited by selecting "Edit Profile.