Service Requirements and Conditions

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Notes / Alerts

When applying for a building permit:

1) Choose the license classification (residential/commercial residential/commercial building).

2) Identify the owner and applicant.

3) Choose the survey decision for which a building or fencing permit is to be issued.

4) Choose an engineering office approved by the ministry from the Balady platform.

5) Send the application to the designing engineering office.

6) The designing engineering office accepts the application and attaches the required data and designs, including

- Architectural plans.

- Structural plans including construction calculations and soil inspection report.

- Mechanical plans (sanitary, air conditioning and ventilation).

- Fire prevention and protection plans and their reports (for non-residential buildings R3).

- Electrical plans.

- Energy efficiency plans.

7) Attach the approval of the relevant external parties (if the activity requires it).

8) Enter all the data required for the license on the Balady platform.

9) After paying the fees, the license is issued It can be printed.

Geographic Explorer, you can view the service coverage for the site through my geographic explorer through the link.
Insurance against hidden defects, by the construction contractor submitting a request for insurance against hidden defects to Malath Insurance Company through this link.
You can view a video explaining the steps for issuing a building permit through this link.
You can view the frequently asked questions through this link.
You can view the model contracts from the Saudi Contractors Authority to contract with a construction contractor through the link.
You can view the Construction Permit Procedures Guide"

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Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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