Displayed 31 - 40 of 544
Are there conditions for issuing a fencing license (vacant land) container contract?
According to the municipality's requirements, and among the requirements for applying for the service is to attach a container contract for a company qualified by the Secretariat and issued by the Engineering Office.
Are there fees for sidewalk occupancy services?
Yes, there are fees, and you can inquire through the information fee calculator by visiting the following link: https://apps.balady.gov.sa//Eservices/FeesCalculator
Are there fixed prices for engineering offices regarding the issuance of construction building permits?
Engineering office rates are an agreement between the office and the beneficiary.
?Are there penalties if a CBC certificate is not issued
If the building is in the area specified in the phase I, a fine amounted of (SAR 5,000) shall be applied in the event that a Compliance Certificate is not issued for the building after the expiry of the remedy period.
Are there restaurants and cafes that offer hookah and tobacco products?
This can be done after applying the requirements and obtaining a permit to provide tobacco products.
?Are there solutions compatible with the Building Compliance Certificate Procedures Manual Draft for placing split air conditioners on building facades
Coordination is being made with the engineering office to provide engineering solutions to address the elements required for the CBC certificate.
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