From Business Services to a Citywide Digital Experience: The Evolution of the Balady App.
The Balady app's evolution represents a significant milestone in Saudi Arabia's digital landscape, transitioning from a tool primarily for business owners to a comprehensive digital platform for all city residents.
"Balady" Application: A Creative Vision for Business Owners and Commercial Entities
In a world where technological advancements are accelerating, daily life has become easier and more flexible thanks to technology.
Health Certificates Product Journey Report (Q3 2024)
Building compliance certificate Journey Report (Q1 2024)
Deceased Honor Product Journey Report (Q2 2024)
Evaluate and treat dangerous sites and prepare existing urban roads with the necessary traffic safety elements
The initiative aims to produce a heat map for sites that witness high rates of traffic accidents and to prepare a list of dangerous sites by collecting statistics and data related to accidents, analyzing them, understanding their causes, and identifying the
Balady Store
A group of municipal services available through the “Balady” application, and contribute to accelerating the pace of providing municipal services to urban residents with innovative business m