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I have an old survey decision, is it valid, or do I need a new survey decision?
The validity period of the cadastral decision is 3 years. In the event that the validity period expires, you can apply for another cadastral decision for the same purpose to be applied for.
What is the procedure if I want to change the purpose of the cadastral decision?
You can apply for the service of amending a cadastral decision before issuing a permit on the decision.
What is the solution for the cadastral decision issued by the Municipality system not to appear on the Balady website?
There is a survey decision entry service at the engineering office to enter the old survey decisions issued by the GAM system.
How can the trade license be renewed?
You can renew the license through the Balady platform, applying for the service: https://balady.gov.sa/Services/Terms?id=24
Is it possible to submit a request to renew the commercial license if the commercial registration has expired?
It is not possible to submit a request to renew a license if the commercial registration has expired, and the Ministry of Commerce must refer to the renewal of the commercial registration.
Is it possible to request a service to renew a license whose expiration date is less than 90 days?
An expired or valid 90-day license can be renewed.
a cadastral decision has been issued, and the client has purchased the land adjacent to him and wants to annex the plot adjacent to the cadastral decision. What is the procedure?
The plots must be merged first, after applying for another cadastral decision.
Is the engineering office classified?
The classification of the engineering office can be checked through the Engineering Offices System > Classified Engineering Offices in the Baladi platform.
Can a commercial license be revoked?
You can cancel the license by choosing (owner/manager of a facility) and you can apply through the following link: