Displayed 621 - 630 of 658
What is the Scheduled Project Coordination Service?
A service provided to governmental and private entities across the Kingdom, allowing early notification of major construction projects by submitting a Scheduled Project Coordination request through the Balady portal. This request goes through a coordination and approval process, and a certified coordination report is issued if the authorities approve it. This report is a requirement for obtaining the building permit for the project.
What is the solution for the appearance of a difference in the land area in the deed from the actual land area when requesting a cadastral decision?
To solve the problem, please provide us with a copy of the error screen and a copy of the instrument, through the technical support channels.
What is the solution for the cadastral decision issued by the Municipality system not to appear on the Balady website?
There is a survey decision entry service at the engineering office to enter the old survey decisions issued by the GAM system.
?What is the solution if the building contains an independent deed for each apartment
The landlords’ union must issue the certificate
What is the solution if there is land on which there is a building permit and the land was sold to another person and the building is still on the same old license with a (building violation) issued on it for an amount of 3000 riyals?
Ownership of the license must be transferred immediately after the deed is cleared.
What is the solution when there is a shop license in a location different from the correct one?
It is possible to apply for a license data correction service through the support services for modifying the website.
What requests can be transferred from one authorized representative to another?
Only requests that are still in progress can be transferred; completed and canceled requests are excluded.
What services are available in the Minister’s Office Communication Service?
This service allows users to:
● Communicate with the Minister’s Office
● Track the status of their requests
● Request follow-up on transactions
● Communicate with the Minister’s Office
● Track the status of their requests
● Request follow-up on transactions
What should be done if the application is rejected?
If the application is rejected, the applicant must review the reasons for rejection, correct any issues, and resubmit the application. The application status can be tracked through the Etmam platform.
What should be done if the engineering office's information is incorrect?
To better assist you, please provide the following details: office name, office owner's name, engineering license number, and required document attachments.